Tuesday 18 December 2007

Ck in2u is a male and female frangrance that is suppose to seuduce both the sexes. The advert concentrates on the ways in which how women are getting dominant and have the control over the male. The advert is fast,funky and fresh. And it starts where the male is trying to get to the female, he is trying to catch up with her. The connatations are very sexual 'into u' is a way of getting in the woman, this alos could connote the sexaul connatation of the title. The ways in which the poster is seen is very sexually constructed as the male is woman is pulling on the man's belt which is seen to be the phallic symbol. The bottle acts like a phallic symbol to as it's symbolic to the male 'penis'. The pateriarchy still seems to exist as the male is on top of the woman which shows that he is in control of her and he can do what he wants.