Wednesday 26 September 2007


Charitable DonationsMTV's “Fight for Your Rights” campaign targets 18 to 24-year-olds about issues such as school violence, discrimination and sexual health, with specific focus on HIV/AIDS, other STDs and unintended pregnancy. The campaign informs audiences with up-to-date facts and encourages them to take control of their sexual health. MTV International's “Staying Alive” campaign, launched in 1998, seeks ways to communicate HIV/AIDS prevention messages to young people, while helping them fight the stigma associated with the disease. It enlists businesses, the media and other organisations in the fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS. The campaign includes documentaries, concert events, discussion programmes, made-for-TV movies, public service announcements, sexual behaviour polls, a dedicated, multi-lingual website (, and off-air marketing and grassroots promotions. The Viacom Foundation, formerly the CBS Foundation, is a company-sponsored charitable fund founded in 1953. The foundation's goal is to serve the communities in which Viacom employees live and work. The Viacom Foundation makes charitable contributions in the form of grants to non-profit organisations in order to support eight programme areas:

Arts and Culture
Social/Civic/Human Services.

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