Wednesday 13 February 2008

Dips, 13y

Sub continental drift

¨ British Asian Music getting recognised in the society
¨ ‘10 years have been amazing’ only been recognised recently, so this then informs us that the movement in the change has only just recently happened.
¨ Proms are associated with the upper class of British people and for a young Asian male to make a classical Indian piece for the night says something to us as a society.
¨ Nitin Sawney an Asian Music artist has become the British society’s ‘world music’ as he provides music from different levels.

How entertainment changed
¨ Multicultural entertainment has been entrenched in the UK’s mainstream media.
¨ Poll suggests that 78% people believe that the minorities are better represented than before.
¨ 67% of Asians believe that things have improved, which is an improvement as the improvement has only been recent.
¨ 1950’s things were very difficult.
¨ The contemporary media portrayed the Britain that Caribbean and south Asian immigrants were making their homes in as radically and culturally very homogenous.
The colour of money

¨ The brown culture or the coloured culture is economically developing.
¨ Make up a lot of the population
¨ Positive stereotypes
¨ Identify with the Asians the white middle class, as they believe that the Asian community are approaching their level.
¨ Asians getting recognised more as they are developing and gaining control in society.
¨ 50% increase in ethnic minorities in 2001

Ethnic minority push by BBC

¨ BBC trying to connect with all audiences
¨ BBC Asian network broadcasting.
¨ Asians expanding widespread.
¨ Afro Caribbean- being neglected
¨ Muslim communities being targeted for the following sept 11 attacks.

Black actors win more TV roles

¨ Afro Caribbean population making a stand in the TV society.
¨ TV soaps have seen a dramatic increase in the society as the recognition of ethic minorities has increased.

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